Tofu Scramble: Easy Vegan Breakfast Recipe


Easy Vegan Breakfast: Tofu Scramble  Easy Vegan Breakfast: Tofu Scramble

Easy Vegan Breakfast: Tofu Scramble

Easy Vegan Breakfast: Tofu Scramble

I want to preface this by saying that I am not a chef, by any means. I don’t usually share recipes on here, but I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what I eat as a vegan! I thought I would share one of the most basic things I make for myself.

When you first tell people you’re a vegan, they always proceed to ask something along the lines of “So like, what do you eat though?”, “You don’t eat tofu right, it looks so gross!”, or “Well what is your favorite recipe?”. For a while, I didn’t really know how to answer the latter, because I didn’t even know any vegan recipes well enough to claim it was my favorite. I was just eating salads with extra beans, or rice and curry and beans, basically I added beans to everything. Of course I was not about to admit that I wasn’t a budding home chef who knew everything there was to know about vegan cooking. As a vegetarian for 10 years, I never got the “favorite recipe” question. So I did what anyone would have done, I chose the one dish that I had been making repeatedly that sounded so vegan, most meat eaters would cringe at the though of it: Tofu Scramble. 

I’ve been a vegan for almost a full year now. My knowledge of vegan recipes and dishes has greatly increased, but I still love my tofu scramble. It’s super easy and quick to make, and you can customize it to your liking. It’s perfect for beginners!


1/3 block of tofu (4.6 oz) 

1/2 tbsp oil*

1/2 cup veggie broth

1/2 tbsp dijon mustard

1/2 cup veggies**

Salt and Pepper to taste

Seasoning of your choice***


*I use olive oil, but you could use coconut oil, dairy free butter, or whatever you prefer.

**You can use whatever veggies you want! In the dish I photographed, I just used red pepper, but it’s also great with broccoli, onion, and kale!

***Tofu takes on the flavor of whatever you cook it in, so this is where you can be really creative! My favorite is a combo of chili powder, paprika and red pepper flakes to give it a spicy, mexican flavor! I always add turmeric as well, it gives it that yellow color that makes it look more like scrambled eggs!



Put your oil in the pan, and turn the heat on medium

Pat your tofu dry with a paper towel, and slice into squares so it is easy to scramble

Place your tofu and spices, and mustard in the pan, and scramble with a fork

Pour the veggie broth over the tofu, so it can soak up the flavor of the broth

Add your veggies, and cook for about 5 minutes

Remove from heat, season with salt and pepper to taste, and enjoy!

Easy Vegan Breakfast: Tofu Scramble


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